Monday, March 17, 2025

The War of Attrition in Canada (Part 1)

They won't met me sleep. Constant harassment by blacks, muslims, weirdos with white lines on their fabrics, Ottawa Police, Securitas, GardaWorld etc.

Securitas left an event report. 

It would seem Donald Trump is involved in this. Lets look at the gematria breakdowns;

removed a vagrant on site in Hebrew Gematria equals 2098

expel the jews in Hebrew Gematria equals 2098

mom dangerous mmxxv all fact in Hebrew Gematria equals 2098

expel the jews in Simple Gematria equals 152

police state code in Simple Gematria equals 152

So the Donald Trump connection ?

removed a vagrant on site in Simple Gematria equals 248

president donald trump in Simple Gematria equals 248

After going through the math codes, yes, Trump has some answering to do for this. 

Let's start with the term "Vagrant Removal" , which is written on the Securitas Event Report from March 16 2025 at 9:20pm 

vagrant removal in Hebrew Gematria equals 1815

murderer of jesus christ in Hebrew Gematria equals 1815

vagrant in Hebrew Gematria equals 929

evil spell in Hebrew Gematria equals 929

united states of america in Hebrew Gematria equals 929

manifest destiny in Hebrew Gematria equals 929

These psychos

But wait Billy, there is more.

cibc securitas event report in Simple Gematria equals 290

united states government in Simple Gematria equals 290

united states of america in Simple Gematria equals 228

the deep secrets of satan in Simple Gematria equals 228

So there we go.

a cibc securitas event report in Simple Gematria equals 291

a group that belongs to satan in Simple Gematria equals 291

eliminate the jew world order in Simple Gematria equals 291

the devil comes as an angel of light in Simple Gematria equals 291

the four corners of the earth in Simple Gematria equals 291

who is able to make war with him in Simple Gematria equals 291

michelle lavaughn robinson obama in Simple Gematria equals 291

There is even more Billy;

vagabond in Hebrew Gematria equals 805

hypocrites in Hebrew Gematria equals 805

hypocrites in Simple Gematria equals 138

redpath sugar in Simple Gematria equals 138

Yeah ... bring me to OCDC and I dodge every sugar packet you throw at me.

vagabond in Simple Gematria equals 66

sugar in Simple Gematria equals 66

So, that brings us back to Tim Hortons, OCDC, the sugar packets etc.

babylon us in Hebrew Gematria equals 805

babylon us in English Gematria equals 666

Simple enough.

trump indictment in Hebrew Gematria equals 810

securitas black font in Hebrew Gematria equals 810

vagabonde in Hebrew Gematria equals 810

Vagrant in simple geatria;

vagrant in Simple Gematria equals 83

black sun in Simple Gematria equals 83

joan of arc in Simple Gematria equals 83

germany in Simple Gematria equals 83

So we have many layers of reality here over lapping.

I'm in Quebec here, with the United States GOV under Trump harassing me and trying to murder me.

the occultic society of nazi germany in Hebrew Gematria equals 2327

satanic wizard donald trump in Hebrew Gematria equals 2327

OCS 101 - Bill, he knows what Trump is. 
Donald Trump is not our friend.

securitas black letters in Hebrew Gematria equals 1014

alien invasion in Hebrew Gematria equals 1014

the sign of jonah in Hebrew Gematria equals 1014

Doubling it up we get 2028 again.

securitas rapport devenement in Hebrew Gematria equals 1943

the king of the jews in Hebrew Gematria equals 1943

So, what I suspect is the case and has been revealed to me is the beast passes itself off as Christ when these are the ones who murdered Jesus.

the king of the jews in Simple Gematria equals 185

donald john trump in Simple Gematria equals 185

securitas rapport d'evenement
 in English Gematria equals 1956

The 1956 Time code;

securitas rapport devenement in Simple Gematria equals 326

jehovah yahweh ildabaoth the demiurge in Simple Gematria equals 326

you are being closely monitored in Simple Gematria equals 326

By ????

president donald j trump make america great again in Simple Gematria equals 421

securitas event report yellow paper in Simple Gematria equals 421

Yellow Paper, like the Splenda Packets;

So, one last code I found;

a satanic templar from the thirteenth century in Hebrew Gematria equals 2103

trump university in Hebrew Gematria equals 2103

Oh there are more time codes here;

covid nineteen vaccination in Hebrew Gematria equals 1966

president donald j trump make america great again
 in Hebrew Gematria equals 2008

covid nineteen covid nineteen in Hebrew Gematria equals 2020

securitas event report black font in Hebrew Gematria equals 2035

Oh wait, there is more Billy;

trump university in Simple Gematria equals 250

covid nineteen vaccination in Simple Gematria equals 250

Vagrant in Greek is Alitis;

alĂ­tis in Simple Gematria equals 70

golden age in Simple Gematria equals 70

There is more;

golden age in Hebrew Gematria equals 139

freemasonry in Simple Gematria equals 139

covid nineteen in Simple Gematria equals 139

But wait, there is more;

There is always more;

yahweh in Simple Gematria equals 70

lilith in Simple Gematria equals 70

vatican in Simple Gematria equals 70

germanic in Simple Gematria equals 70

jimmy in Simple Gematria equals 70

There is more;

you are not jimmy in Hebrew Gematria equals 1995

Satanic Mind Control;

Have I missed anything ?

Thanks for the event report.

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The War of Attrition in Canada (Part 1)

They won't met me sleep. Constant harassment by blacks, muslims, weirdos with white lines on their fabrics, Ottawa Police, Securitas, Ga...