Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Deep Secrets of Satan (Part 2)

 So their war effort has escalated once again, and we had 4 days of non stop aerial spraying and I was stalked everywhere by beings wearing adidas shoes, sweaters, track pants, hats. 

Three white lines. Like the white lines in the sky.

Not just "black" people but whites, asians, muslims;

All while they spray this over our heads;

Oh yes, there are gematria codes.
Now, there is also timeline codes which indicate this has happened before to someone else who said the exact same words as me.

the plane keeps flying over my head in English Gematria equals 1956

jihadist wearing adidas in Hebrew Gematria equals 1972

what is gatineau police aerial stalking in Hebrew Gematria equals 2011

As I walk through time and space it seems I walk through multiple times and eras. Happening all at once.

service de police ville de gatineau in Hebrew Gematria equals 2174

the plane keeps flying over my head in Hebrew Gematria equals 2174

Years of aerial stalking; and here is the gematria code.

All you 777 people will love this one;

human extermination in Hebrew Gematria equals 1048

service de police in Hebrew Gematria equals 1048

But wait Billy, there is more.

service de police seven seven seven in Hebrew Gematria equals 3568

the intentional disconnect of covid nineteen made possible by president trump in Hebrew Gematria equals 3568

the intentional disconnect of covid nineteen made possible by president trump in Simple Gematria equals 777

Is this motive for conspiring to murder James Grand ?
Because he survived and is exposing their crimes and intention.
First Degree Murder.

Father of the Vaccine ?

So, long story short Jesus gave us math codes.
Or Mary; someone is helping me;

 the north american police state the north american police state in Hebrew Gematria equals 2006

the north american police state will follow you where ever you go stay indoors let me handle this the north american police state will follow you where ever you go stay indoors let me handle this in Simple Gematria equals 2006

As Bill OCS 101 says, 9/11 is Sodomy. 
911, calling the Police State on America.

Oh, but wait Billy, there is even more! 

Like Obama said , they come back ....

mercy compassion lovingkindness in Hebrew Gematria equals 2055

jewish police state in Hebrew Gematria equals 2055

There is that star again; on the Jewish Police;

jewish police in Simple Gematria equals 134

surgical mask in Simple Gematria equals 134


I can't find the words to describe this

Surely it is purely coincidence you would say;
How could it be at this point ?

monitored from the skies in Hebrew Gematria equals 851

transgender militants in Hebrew Gematria equals 851

When you escape jewish controlled areas that is when 
they send the airplanes;

rcmp planes stalking me in Simple Gematria equals 228

the deep secrets of satan in Simple Gematria equals 228

shapeshifting muslim in Simple Gematria equals 228

Could only have the math code if I seen it right ?
Could only have the Math if I heard it;
Or someone else did;

rcmp planes stalking me in Hebrew Gematria equals 701

bird alarm sounds in Hebrew Gematria equals 701

Yup, same markings on wings ....

So, now that I have established RCMP terrorism;

rcmp planes in Hebrew Gematria equals 389

fascists in Hebrew Gematria equals 389

Coincidence my ass.
There is a timeline at play here;

zionists hacking my hotmail account in Hebrew Gematria equals 2011

augmented reality augmented reality in Hebrew Gematria equals 2014

its a jewish timeline in Hebrew Gematria equals 2030

the area code is for the city of gatineau in English Gematria equals 2046

rcmp transgender militants rcmp transgender militants in Hebrew Gematria equals 2048

police silent over aerial spraying in Hebrew Gematria equals 2049

satan doesnt exist satan doesnt exist in Hebrew Gematria equals 2050

jewish police state in Hebrew Gematria equals 2055

draco covert war in Hebrew Gematria equals 2057

president john fitzgerald kennedy in English Gematria equals 2058

hateful birds best western plus in English Gematria equals 2058

jihadists wearing adidas in Hebrew Gematria equals 2062

service de police seven seven seven in English Gematria equals 2070

what is a black ukrainian nazi in Hebrew Gematria equals 2085

psychotronic torture and abuse in English Gematria equals 2094

are muslims censoring twitter in English Gematria equals 2094

who put nano tech in salt packets in Hebrew Gematria equals 2094

Now, The Beast Changes World Law and Time.

Also, the Black person with the Azov symbol on his bag yesterday; March 15 2025;

That symbol;

So I have other codes that imply this is the case;
In regards to Satan being released 2921.

government of canada flag on camo sweater on retard child in English Gematria equals 2922

who are these shit heads spraying in the skiy in Hebrew Gematria equals 2925

police silent over aerial spraying for fifteen years in Hebrew Gematria equals 2932

why are you mad stop using gematria in Hebrew Gematria equals 2958

error code five twenty four in Hebrew Gematria equals 2958

So yeah;

If it wasn't obvious before;

a demonic alien government in Simple Gematria equals 238

the ones who murdered me in Simple Gematria equals 238

adam j morin ottawa police in Simple Gematria equals 238

Remember the mushroom hater ?
And the ham and cheese sandwich ?
I do.

It was the white flag I saw on sweater

government of canada flag on camo sweater in Simple Gematria equals 356

i am the antichrist son of perdition in Simple Gematria equals 356

These are the Government of Canada's child soldiers;

Now, prior to this there was the unmarked Gatineau Police Vehicle.

In the morning, when they were spraying, and I was escaping their grid;

unmarked gatineau police in Hebrew Gematria equals 880

child pornography in Hebrew Gematria equals 880

Now I have no interested in disgusting evil and no affiliation with it, so clearly this indicates that the Gatineau Police are though;

Are you ready ?

819 Area Code;
Pay attention;

child sex predator in Hebrew Gematria equals 819

819 ..

Quebec is being populated by Muslims, Africans, and they are worshipping Allah.

What could be if they do not fight back;

As is known, the Prophet Mohammed married a 6 year old girl, Aisha, and consummated his marriage to the child at age 9.

islam quebec in Hebrew Gematria equals 435

media blackout in Hebrew Gematria equals 435

gematria teacher in Hebrew Gematria equals 435

i hate paedophiles in Hebrew Gematria equals 435

Well now, and English Gematria on I Hate Paedophiles = 918 (819)

i hate paedophiles in English Gematria equals 918

The hateful birds of Revelation 18:2 were present yesterday;

the hateful bird said you cry to satan for mercy before god saves you in Hebrew Gematria equals 4566

law enforcement attacked jesus christ because they prostitute children in Hebrew Gematria equals 4566

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The Deep Secrets of Satan (Part 2)

 So their war effort has escalated once again, and we had 4 days of non stop aerial spraying and I was stalked everywhere by beings wearing ...