Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Crime Of The Century (Part 2)

 Jesus Christ is the judge, sent by his father. He judges righteously. So this would be my investigative report concerning "The Crime Of The Century" which I can't recall whom said it except the Holy Spirit.

Gematrix Org is now being censored of jewish gematria posts, and the gematria codes confirm this is connected to the Crime Of The Century. 

Google Images Gematria. Interesting picture.

So ... 

censoring gematrix org in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

The jewish math is there but the results are not present. 
Only simple gematria.

censoring gematrix org in Simple Gematria equals 241

the crime of the century in Simple Gematria equals 241

the king of new jerusalem in Simple Gematria equals 241

the angel of lawlessness in Simple Gematria equals 241

This started at the tree with the rocks and garbage under it. 
All the gematria codes. 
Proof of some time traveller , possibly Z .

After adding the result into the database, the Jewish calculations have appeared.
So, this is in real time, censoring. 
Who is doing this ? 

"The archangel is doing this"

The government is slowing my computer down or the website so it doesn't go quickly.
Like we were back in 2004 with dial up modems.

mogul productions in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

censoring gematrix org in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

There is that word MOGUL.

So, as it was told in the gematria database, that Donald Trump erased the gematria database.
Flashing blue and red lights around me as I type this.
Paramedics, Fire trucks ... interesting ... 

And now a clue that points to Trump again.

There is also the math code in regards to Melania Trump conspiring to murder me. 

Now the gematria codes are interesting;

melania trump black and white photo in Hebrew Gematria equals 1947

And then;

melania trump black and white photo in Simple Gematria equals 330

conspiring to murder james grand in Simple Gematria equals 330

denial of the virgin birth of jesus in Simple Gematria equals 330

So, there is the denial of the virgin birth by a certain angel / servant and then there is all the gematria codes indicating the conspiracy.

So 993 - Sadistic Trickery (193) - The Enemy Of Christ

So, for now I will end it here. Might be more soon.

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