Sunday, February 23, 2025

North Star Conspiracy (Part 1)

 So now, in hindsight of 15 years of chemtrails blocking out the sky, and NASA's lies , let's analyse the North Star Conspiracy, destruction of those monuments and all. This happened while I was inside OCDC.

Imagine watching CNN in a prison talking about the Georgia Guidestones being bombed, and then destroyed.

So, there is a conspiracy to cover up the North Star.

Chemtrails was one aspect of this conspiracy.

Can't see the stars when the sky is blocked out.
Kids and adults looking at screens all day.

And it made me think about the Minnesota North Stars. The old hockey team that got moved to Dallas, and called The Stars. 

Erasing the past concerning the stars, specifically the North Star.

Someone was saying that the world is losing colour. 
And lo and behold, the D is gray! 

Colourful NHL logos went away .... 
And got nearly replaced by this ... 

Disbolical and insane! 

So I'm putting the pieces together so you can see how I see this situation. 

Let's look at Subway, and the subway colours. 

Green and Yellow, and Arrows

But Subway , the transport, is usually underground. 
And so , instead of stars, we are now underground, and you know about Jared and Barack Obama.

So the devil himself Barack Obama, and there was that verse in Revelation about tearing down the stars.

So I'm gonna take a guess, if his tail could would it take down all the stars ? 
Polaris wasn't taken down. It is still there in the heavens. 

So , they can't take it down, but they can block it out and bring humanity underground, harvested for Subway meat, and sold to Toronto Raptors and Gray Aliens.
Ready Scotty Barnes ?
I do!

Now I'm reminded of IGG-4, and the colous connected to it. 
Corrupting angels is what I think. 
Corrupting mankind.
Corrupting unions between angelic or divine beings.
Demonic hate, demonic hate and Satan.

Now, there is the movie Fist of the North Star (1995) which deals with this , not IGG-4 to the best of my knowledge, but the knowledge of the North Star.

But the Scotty Barnes Subway stuff tied into Pool of the Black Star. 

So it's a bunch of pardon the phrase, Star Wars.

The Pool of the Black Star is a circular room in the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg, ManitobaIt's located beneath the rotunda and is considered a spiritual oasis. 

Neighbours as it were. 

Kinda ? 
Now, the thing with Fist Of the North Star (1995) is that someone that looks and sounds like Donald Trump cameos in it. 

Fighting Neo Nazis in the future. 

So, the racism, ie blood poisoning, depriving them of light and clean air, poisoning their bodies and minds.

Star Wars on the Earth ? 

Using simple gematria;


Evidence of Star Wars on the Earth

Not sure what else to say at this point. 

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