Sunday, March 2, 2025

The War Against Satan (Part 2)

 Alright, so, last night didn't go nice, bad energy. And now this morning more blocking out the sky.

So we asked the obvious question;

who is the shit head blocking out the sky again today in Simple Gematria equals 495

the rapture is aliens abducting people to kill them in Simple Gematria equals 495

So, once again, these demonic aliens.

The bible does not use the word rapture. 


Some latin translations say To Seize

Now, of course, RAPTUR-RAPTOR

they are trying to abduct and kill james grand in Hebrew Gematria equals 2657

blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven in Hebrew Gematria equals 2657

Indeed. Now, in relation to last night, someone throwing bread at me while I slept on the ground in the bank in freezing weather. I threw it back at them along with the money (5 dollars in coins) and said "I already had my daily bread"

daily bread in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

rapture in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

cops n crooks in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

So as I'm sitting here writing this, someone, something says "You Should Be In Jail"

you should be in jail you should be in jail in Simple Gematria equals 404

who is conspiring to murder james grand in Simple Gematria equals 404

Yeah .... another day of this shit ..... 

So this cloud blocking out the sun has passed, 7:44 AM

So we found more math codes; 

rapture alien abduction in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

revelation in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

covid nineteen in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

So that means doubling it up brings us to 2020.

rapture alien abduction rapture alien abduction in Hebrew Gematria equals 2020

covid nineteen lethal injection in Hebrew Gematria equals 2020

rapture alien abduction rapture alien abduction in Simple Gematria equals 458

pfizers headquarters new york new york in Simple Gematria equals 458

I was there. In OCDC< watching inmates get brought to get injected. 

They asked me if I wanted it.

I was abducted to a hospital - Montfort Hospital, and forcefully injected. 

Yet, here I Am.

I already was raptured. 

Who claims this is a future event ? 

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