Thursday, February 6, 2025

History Of The Fog (Serratia Marcescens)(Part 1)

 The extent of this conspiracy will be explored in this article. Past Present Future. They did it before, they did it again, and in the name of Jesus Christ they will never do it again.

We discussed this only partially in a prior article. We shall connect all the "red dots" and demonstrate criminal intent in regards to "the fog".

Too many "coincidences" before you see the pattern and know they did this to us on purpose. 
What is the correlation to Unit 731, the infamous Japanese concentration camp where prisoners of war were subjected to biological experiments

I have been harassed while I sleep in the bank for years.
One of the security companies is Securitas. 

Now take this, and look at how this red circle connects to Serratia Marcescens

Flag of Japan

Serratia Marcescens

They purposely exposed the people of Canada to this.
But they have done this for a long time, and looking at what is present on google images, matches certain food stuffs in our culture. 

Now, that looks unmistakably like Cheetos

Are you angry yet ?

Now, with what we know regarding the Back To The Future connections to the Cheetos logo, this all becomes difficult to organise. 

In 2001, prior to 9/11, we were shown the first film 
at St Matthew High School.

Child rapists and biological warfare. 

mk ultra mind control handlers in Simple Gematria equals 314

child rapists and biological warfare in Simple Gematria equals 314

Now, here is where I discovered the math connection. Just now to 1885. Well, 1884. One year off.
This is sick twisted evil occult bs and ... I don't know how to explain it except to connect the "dots"

314 x 6 = 1884

Now, people have talked about those kids at the end of Back to the Future Part 3, and how it is creepy.
They pass it off as the kid indicating he needed to go to the bathroom and pee. 

NO ONE! And i mean NO ONE did the gematria codes, and the ones who created this ... well , let's take a look;

Did you get weird vibes from this ?
Well let me show you why.

dannel evans in English Gematria equals 666

Yeah ....

This is the flux capacitor from the movie


dannel evans in Hebrew Gematria equals 946

the flux capacitor in Hebrew Gematria equals 946

I don't know how to explain this. 

Now once again, what does this look like ?
What does this remind you of ?

They have been poisoning children and families
for years ...

Japanese and the Imperial Two Tie

ito t fujitsu in Hebrew Gematria equals 1464

ito t fujitsu in Simple Gematria equals 170

There are math codes there. Race War Programming. 

But as I'm here writing this I hear one of the french people in A & W says "Masonic Crackhead"

a masonic crackhead in Hebrew Gematria equals 339

ottawa carleton detention center in Simple Gematria equals 339


So, Neem Powder could be addressed here in regards to genetic restoration. 

a masonic crackhead in English Gematria equals 774

azadirachta indica in Hebrew Gematria equals 774

genetic restoration in Hebrew Gematria equals 774

Neem Powder


Now, Ottawa Canada, OC Transpo, and the O-Train, are connected to this plot.
A Mystery Babylon plot by the looks of it;

They ruined the bus service and built this;

Subjected to biological warfare

subjected to biological warfare in Hebrew Gematria equals 2403

moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi moi in Hebrew Gematria equals 2403

You would have to be a local to understand this; Metro - Moi Rewards ;

This came out recently in the region (end of 2024 I think)

So, if I calculate 3 red circles;

three red circles in Simple Gematria equals 152

police state code in Simple Gematria equals 152

We have been subjected to demonic terrorism.

So, the actor in Back To The Future Part 2 is actually named James Ishida 

james ishida in Simple Gematria equals 98

contagion in Simple Gematria equals 98

red balloon in Simple Gematria equals 98

99 Red Balloons ....

freemasonic illumination in Hebrew Gematria equals 847

james ishida in Hebrew Gematria equals 847

Not sure what else to put here;
What a mess.

I ask the Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ to reveal the truth of this to us.

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