Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Occult Origins of Ukraine {Part I}

 Let's break down the codes, let's do what we do. 

UK RAINE - hypnotic subliminals. 

Why is Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau wearing
the Ukrainian Peoples Republic emblem?
From 1918?

So I wonder ... why ?

Insane war mongers

Using simple gematria;


So next question, how does this connect to Neptune, the god, and the planet?

It gets more complex I suppose. What is the connection then to Neptune Security Services?

Neptunian Hierarchy I suppose. 

Curious isn't it

So anarchy in the UK ... maybe not Britain but Ukraine ?

Bringing hell to earth everyday right? 

Hotels & Carwashes (Human Trafficking Fronts) {Part I}

 Where to begin ...

Clandestine operations are being run through carwashes and hotels. Namely hotels with underground carwashes. 

Trafficking children. Let's begin to go through the data.

Petro Canada.

alot more info 

The Occult Controllers Of Ottawa Carleton Correctional Facility (Part I)

Bottom line, they tortured me. 

Ottawa Carleton Detention Center - OCDC

Thrown into "suicide watch" and forced to endure an audio recording coming out of the walls for over four days saying "Nobody Loves You'.

And then there was the woman being tortured. Not just last year but the year before. 


So while in the suicide cell being tortured I had pencils and paper and I wrote down what I was hearing and calculated it and was surprised to see that psychopathic abuser also equals the same number.

I wrote down what I heard .... they took away my pencils and paper eventually and almost destroyed my notes ... they didn't want this information to get out. They wanted me dead in jail. 

On May Fourth, 2022 something happened at the jail. I figured out something. My past memories. I wrote down what I heard them saying.

"We Have To Leave Ontario Bill"
"He's onto us"
"Hurry open the portal up"
"We need to go to another world"
"He was supposed to die"
"Forget about the evidence"
"We Have To Go Now"
"He Remembers We Moved Him" = 228 = SADISTIC INTENTIONS
"Bill He Knows You're A Criminal"
"We Destroyed His Love"
"We Tortured His Children"
"We Murdered The Woman He Loves"
"Sit Down Bill We Want To Ask You Some Questions"
"He Knows We're Pedophiles"
"You Promised Me He Wouldn't Remember"
"We Need To Destroy It Fast"
"His Machine Can Go To The Past"
"Bill We Want To Have A Word With You"
"We Need To Destroy This Place"
"We Murdered His Family At The Hotel"
"They Threatened To Blow Your Star Up"
"Harold start talking"

Then The BlackOut happened at 8:30 pm

"We Can't Get Through"
"They Just Tried To Kill Him"
"They're Trying To Kill The Archangel"
"They're Trying To Break Down The Door"
"We Can't Get In"
"What Just Happened Was Impossible"
"The Power Keeps Shutting Off We Don't Know Why"
"They're Trying To Hex Him"
"The System Keeps Going Offline"
"It Won't Open Up"
"He Knows You Did This"
"Bill Shut Up He's Writing This Down"
"I'm Sorry Son Bill's Gone Insane"
"They've Done Something To His Brain"
"Someone Tried To Get In Here We Don't Know Who"

That is just one day .... there is more abuse I suffered at the hands of these monsters. Too Much to write all now. 

Ottawa Police Are Guilty (Part 1)

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