Saturday, March 8, 2025

Ottawa Police Are Guilty (Part 1)

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Friday, March 7, 2025

The Deep Secrets of Satan (Part 1)

 In regards to nano technology in salt packets, yes this is happening and the Ottawa Police are prepared to murder me to keep this secret of Satan's a secret. 

However, that won't happen. 

Cor 795

COR is the kosher certification trademark used by the Kashruth Council of Canada, the largest kosher certification agency in Canada.

We provide kosher certification for businesses of all sizes: from start-ups, to some of the world’s largest and most widely recognized companies including Pepsi, Heinz, Mondolez and Frito Lay.

COR employs a team of talented rabbinic inspectors who are experts in the intricacies of modern food production as well as the specifics of Jewish law. 

Now with this understood, you can conclude that they are up to no good. 
Let us look into the gematria;

kashruth council of canada in Simple Gematria equals 228

the deep secrets of satan in Simple Gematria equals 228

What a coincidence .... I'm sure the truth is anti semetic ...

Revelation Chapter 2 Verse 24. They phrase this differently in different bibles, so it is important to calculate all of them.
Deep things, depths, etc. Calculate all of it.

Now in regards to COR 795, this has to do with Bio Photonics.

What is Bio Photonics ?

Well AI Overview on Google already is changing its answer from the other day in regards to light , lasers and nano technology. 

Bio-photonics is the study of how light interacts with biological systems. It combines biology, photonics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology to create new ways to image, identify, and engineer biological materials. 

censoring bio photonics in Hebrew Gematria equals 795

Coincidence right ....

psalm ninety in Hebrew Gematria equals 795

If you still doubt;

the kashruth council of canada in Simple Gematria equals 261

in conspiracy with satan in Simple Gematria equals 261

So they tried to abduct me, Ottawa Police, and bring me back to OCDC, well, let's look at the math and this malicious conspiracy;

in conspiracy with satan in Hebrew Gematria equals 2034

ottawa carleton detention center in English Gematria equals 2034

the ones who murdered mary magdalene in English Gematria equals 2034

Officer West of the Ottawa Police is GUILTY.
Let's look at the Kabbalistic Codes;

ottawa police officer west badge number two seven three one in Hebrew Gematria equals 5112

nazi nazi nazi nazi stazi stazi stazi cops cops cops cops in Hebrew Gematria equals 5112

So, again, 5112, and that happened last year in regards to Ottawa Police Adam J Morin, the murderer.

ottexchhybocrpsopslo cal rejected your message to the following email addresses in Hebrew Gematria equals 5112

My conditions were to contact this nazi shit heads and this is what I got.

Here is last years abuse and gaslighting by that Nazi piece of shit. 
The courts are corrupt, the judges, the police, the lawyers, all of them, involved in abusing me, torturing me, confining me against my will, starving me, poisoning me, stalking, verbal abuse the list goes on .

Math codes and more. 

donald j trump invisible enemy in Hebrew Gematria equals 2553

ottawa police officer west in Hebrew Gematria equals 2553

And further City of Ottawa gematria math connections;

donald j trump invisible enemy in Simple Gematria equals 311

City of Ottawa 311

Now as I'm trying to organise this and explain, I hear someone say this about me;

hes a homeless man with a multiple personality in Hebrew Gematria equals 2790

james wormwood in Hebrew Gematria equals 2790

So I understand this as someone pointing out to me who this is. 
The angel who fell from heaven.
Well that star looks familiar ...

Oh yeah looks just like it.

Elon Musk's Space X again;
So this just happened 15 hours ago , March 7 2025 5:55 pm right now.

Wonder if it is related ?

Also, the wormwood business takes us back to OCDC with Dr Floyd Wood, the Olanzapine, and the conspiracy to force medicate me and find me unfit to stand trial.

Important to understand how this all came about;

So what now ?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The War Against Satan (Part 2)

 Alright, so, last night didn't go nice, bad energy. And now this morning more blocking out the sky.

So we asked the obvious question;

who is the shit head blocking out the sky again today in Simple Gematria equals 495

the rapture is aliens abducting people to kill them in Simple Gematria equals 495

So, once again, these demonic aliens.

The bible does not use the word rapture. 


Some latin translations say To Seize

Now, of course, RAPTUR-RAPTOR

they are trying to abduct and kill james grand in Hebrew Gematria equals 2657

blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven in Hebrew Gematria equals 2657

Indeed. Now, in relation to last night, someone throwing bread at me while I slept on the ground in the bank in freezing weather. I threw it back at them along with the money (5 dollars in coins) and said "I already had my daily bread"

daily bread in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

rapture in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

cops n crooks in Hebrew Gematria equals 526

So as I'm sitting here writing this, someone, something says "You Should Be In Jail"

you should be in jail you should be in jail in Simple Gematria equals 404

who is conspiring to murder james grand in Simple Gematria equals 404

Yeah .... another day of this shit ..... 

So this cloud blocking out the sun has passed, 7:44 AM

So we found more math codes; 

rapture alien abduction in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

revelation in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

covid nineteen in Hebrew Gematria equals 1010

So that means doubling it up brings us to 2020.

rapture alien abduction rapture alien abduction in Hebrew Gematria equals 2020

covid nineteen lethal injection in Hebrew Gematria equals 2020

rapture alien abduction rapture alien abduction in Simple Gematria equals 458

pfizers headquarters new york new york in Simple Gematria equals 458

I was there. In OCDC< watching inmates get brought to get injected. 

They asked me if I wanted it.

I was abducted to a hospital - Montfort Hospital, and forcefully injected. 

Yet, here I Am.

I already was raptured. 

Who claims this is a future event ? 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The War Against Satan (Part 1)

So, more or less the devil shows up. And we'll get through the math codes of that encounter. But first, the bible. 

So, with that, lets begin. 

So, Leo shows up. At Tim Hortons. Eating an egg sausage breakfast sandwich.

So, I ask "Leo" what did he eat. 
Sausage egg.

tim hortons sausage egg in Hebrew Gematria equals 970

devil satan in Hebrew Gematria equals 970

Oh yes, I dare you to say coincidence. 

So, the gematria codes are trying to convince me that he is my father. 

So, calculating what I think and suspect and have encountered with the seraph,

satan pretending to be my father in Simple Gematria equals 305

cigarettes originales canadiennes in Simple Gematria equals 305

"Leo" offers me a cigarette.

canadian original black font in Simple Gematria equals 216

satan is a roaring lion in Simple Gematria equals 216

There is also;

canadian original black font in Hebrew Gematria equals 547

i am i am i am i am i am i am i am i am i am i am samael in Hebrew Gematria equals 547

Samael (/ˈsæməˌɛl/HebrewסַמָּאֵלSammāʾēl, "Venom of God";[1] ArabicسمسمائيلSamsama'il or سمائلSamail; alternatively SmalSmilSamil, or Samiel)[2][3][4] is an archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic tradition; a figure who is the accuser or adversary (Satan in the Book of Job), seducer, and destroying angel (in the Book of Exodus).


Now, why would they be eating Tim Hortons Egg Sausage ?

tim hortons sausage eggs in Simple Gematria equals 262

danger toxic toxic toxic in Simple Gematria equals 262

will cause a genetic breakdown in Simple Gematria equals 262

Why ?

So as "Leo" is leaving with a bag full of meat, he says "I have to eat meat to keep up my strength".

i have to eat meat to keep up my strength in Simple Gematria equals 403

the ones that have awakened to defeat the dragon in Simple Gematria equals 403

Which brings us back to Obama and that Thai restaurant.

we remember we rebuild we come back stronger in Simple Gematria equals 403

We just saw an Obama look-alike at A & W a week ago.
A missing sausage was given to them.

missing sausage in Simple Gematria equals 163

barack hussein obama in Simple Gematria equals 163

Not much else to say about this encounter.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Crime Of The Century (Part 2)

 Jesus Christ is the judge, sent by his father. He judges righteously. So this would be my investigative report concerning "The Crime Of The Century" which I can't recall whom said it except the Holy Spirit.

Gematrix Org is now being censored of jewish gematria posts, and the gematria codes confirm this is connected to the Crime Of The Century. 

Google Images Gematria. Interesting picture.

So ... 

censoring gematrix org in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

The jewish math is there but the results are not present. 
Only simple gematria.

censoring gematrix org in Simple Gematria equals 241

the crime of the century in Simple Gematria equals 241

the king of new jerusalem in Simple Gematria equals 241

the angel of lawlessness in Simple Gematria equals 241

This started at the tree with the rocks and garbage under it. 
All the gematria codes. 
Proof of some time traveller , possibly Z .

After adding the result into the database, the Jewish calculations have appeared.
So, this is in real time, censoring. 
Who is doing this ? 

"The archangel is doing this"

The government is slowing my computer down or the website so it doesn't go quickly.
Like we were back in 2004 with dial up modems.

mogul productions in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

censoring gematrix org in Hebrew Gematria equals 993

There is that word MOGUL.

So, as it was told in the gematria database, that Donald Trump erased the gematria database.
Flashing blue and red lights around me as I type this.
Paramedics, Fire trucks ... interesting ... 

And now a clue that points to Trump again.

There is also the math code in regards to Melania Trump conspiring to murder me. 

Now the gematria codes are interesting;

melania trump black and white photo in Hebrew Gematria equals 1947

And then;

melania trump black and white photo in Simple Gematria equals 330

conspiring to murder james grand in Simple Gematria equals 330

denial of the virgin birth of jesus in Simple Gematria equals 330

So, there is the denial of the virgin birth by a certain angel / servant and then there is all the gematria codes indicating the conspiracy.

So 993 - Sadistic Trickery (193) - The Enemy Of Christ

So, for now I will end it here. Might be more soon.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

North Star Conspiracy (Part 1)

 So now, in hindsight of 15 years of chemtrails blocking out the sky, and NASA's lies , let's analyse the North Star Conspiracy, destruction of those monuments and all. This happened while I was inside OCDC.

Imagine watching CNN in a prison talking about the Georgia Guidestones being bombed, and then destroyed.

So, there is a conspiracy to cover up the North Star.

Chemtrails was one aspect of this conspiracy.

Can't see the stars when the sky is blocked out.
Kids and adults looking at screens all day.

And it made me think about the Minnesota North Stars. The old hockey team that got moved to Dallas, and called The Stars. 

Erasing the past concerning the stars, specifically the North Star.

Someone was saying that the world is losing colour. 
And lo and behold, the D is gray! 

Colourful NHL logos went away .... 
And got nearly replaced by this ... 

Disbolical and insane! 

So I'm putting the pieces together so you can see how I see this situation. 

Let's look at Subway, and the subway colours. 

Green and Yellow, and Arrows

But Subway , the transport, is usually underground. 
And so , instead of stars, we are now underground, and you know about Jared and Barack Obama.

So the devil himself Barack Obama, and there was that verse in Revelation about tearing down the stars.

So I'm gonna take a guess, if his tail could would it take down all the stars ? 
Polaris wasn't taken down. It is still there in the heavens. 

So , they can't take it down, but they can block it out and bring humanity underground, harvested for Subway meat, and sold to Toronto Raptors and Gray Aliens.
Ready Scotty Barnes ?
I do!

Now I'm reminded of IGG-4, and the colous connected to it. 
Corrupting angels is what I think. 
Corrupting mankind.
Corrupting unions between angelic or divine beings.
Demonic hate, demonic hate and Satan.

Now, there is the movie Fist of the North Star (1995) which deals with this , not IGG-4 to the best of my knowledge, but the knowledge of the North Star.

But the Scotty Barnes Subway stuff tied into Pool of the Black Star. 

So it's a bunch of pardon the phrase, Star Wars.

The Pool of the Black Star is a circular room in the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg, ManitobaIt's located beneath the rotunda and is considered a spiritual oasis. 

Neighbours as it were. 

Kinda ? 
Now, the thing with Fist Of the North Star (1995) is that someone that looks and sounds like Donald Trump cameos in it. 

Fighting Neo Nazis in the future. 

So, the racism, ie blood poisoning, depriving them of light and clean air, poisoning their bodies and minds.

Star Wars on the Earth ? 

Using simple gematria;


Evidence of Star Wars on the Earth

Not sure what else to say at this point. 

Ottawa Police Are Guilty (Part 1)

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